Generative AI in Teaching Mathematics

This page lays out a number of examples of how generative AI might be used within mathematics.

1 How Students Might Use Generative AI

1.1 To explain concepts

1.1.1 Taylor Series

1.2 To help with homework problems

1.2.1 HMC Math 131: Real Analysis 1 - Multiplication of Rational Numbers

HW #1 from Math 131

HW #1 from Math 131

ChatGPT Chat Transcript

1.2.2 HMC Math 40: Showing set of vectors spans \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

Poole Exercises 2.3 #12

ChatGPT Chat Transcript

Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, p. 98

1.3 To write proofs

ChatGPT Chat Transcript

Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, p. 97

2 Things to try

  • Upload a screenshot of one of your homework problems into ChatGPT or Claude and ask it to solve it.
  • Ask it to write a proof for a theorem you use in your class.
  • Ask it to generate some sample problems for you to try.